
Contact and feedback

You have a question or a request about our website? We are looking forward to your message!


However, you can send us feedback if you have found a mistake.

FAQ / help

Has your question already been answered?
Here you can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions (FAQs).

What is

Our portal is an interdisciplinary and international event calendar that allows you to easily find interesting events in any city.

Through our partners you can also easily and safely buy tickets for these events. Our partners are exclusively reputable ticket vendors.

Our target group are locals as well as tourists or guests visiting cities.
We have made it our goal to make the use of our site as easy as possible for all target groups.

I have a question about an event

All the information you find on our portal, we get from ticket portals and promoters.

We do not have more detailed information than the one provided.

If the information on the external page (accessible via the ticket link) or on an already purchased ticket does not answer your question, we generally recommend that you address your request directly to the provider or organizer. You can usually find the contact details for this on the ticket provider or on the ticket itself.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with any further binding assistance.

I have a question about the Corona rules

All the information you find on our portal, we get from ticket portals and promoters.

We do not have more detailed information than the one provided.

If the information on the external page (accessible via the ticket link) does not answer your question about the Corona rules, we generally recommend that you direct your specific question to the provider or organizer. Unfortunately, we cannot help you here.

I have a question about tickets

All the information you find on our portal we get from ticket portals and promoters.

We also do not sell tickets, but only establish the connection between our visitors and the ticket seller. Please always contact the ticket seller or event organizer with specific questions about your purchased ticket or event. You should find the contact information on your ticket. Unfortunately, we cannot help you here.

How can I register an event?

Currently there is no direct possibility to register events with us. This is planned in our next expansion stage.

Please send us a request, then you will be informed immediately by e-mail when this function is activated.

I have purchased tickets through this website for an event, how do I know the status of my order?

If you have clicked on the link "Buy tickets for this event" at an event presented by us, the order page of one of our ticket partners will open.
Please ask this partner, where you bought your ticket, for the current status of your order.


Alternatively, you can also send us an e-mail.