Event series

Museu Nacional dos Coches: Bilhete de entrada

    Buy tickets for Museu Nacional dos Coches: Bilhete de entrada

    Be sure to get your tickets for one of this events now:

    Visite uma coleção única de veículos reais ornamentados em Lisboa

    O Museu Nacional dos Coches tem uma longa história. As suas origens remontam ao antigo Picadeiro Real. Desde os planos do Rei D. João V no início do século XVIII para a construção de um picadeiro em Belém, muitas coisas mudaram.

    Agora, cerca de 300 anos depois, o novo Museu Nacional dos Coches está situado em frente ao museu original, inaugurado em 1905 no antigo Picadeiro Real de Belém (Salão Nobre), parte do complexo do Palácio de Belém.

    O novo museu alberga uma das melhores coleções de coches do mundo.

    Visite o Museu dos Coches com estes bilhetes e descubra veículos históricos dos séculos XVI a XIX.

    * Entrada no Museu Nacional dos Coches
    * Audioguia para download com explicações sobre os coches em português e inglês
    * Projeções interativas e exposições temporárias

    Not included:
    * Entrada no Picadeiro Real

    National Coach Museum (Museu Dos Coches): Entry Ticket

    Visit an exceptional and unique collection of richly adorned royal vehicles

    The National Coach Museum has a long history, its earliest ties go back to the Royal Riding School and King João V in the early 18th century. Since the plans for a riding arena in Belém in 1726, there's been a great deal of change.

    Now, some 300 years later, you'll find the new National Coach Museum located beside Picadeiro Real (the Royal Riding Hall of Belém) – a part of the larger Belém Palace complex.

    The new museum is located near to the original museum that was inaugurated in 1905, and it's home to one of the world's finest collections of historical carriages.

    You'll see a range of Berlin carriages and coaches that date as far back as the late 16th and early 17th centuries.

    * Admission to National Coach Museum
    * Downloadable audioguide with explanations about the coaches in English and Portuguese
    * Interactive projections and temporary exhibitions

    Not included:
    * Royal Riding School

    Instant ticket delivery

    Smartphone ticket

    Wheelchair access

    Starting point: 136 Avenida da Índia

    1 event: Museu Nacional dos Coches: Bilhete de entrada