Event series

Piscine Termali Theia: ingresso mattina (4 ore)

    Buy tickets for Piscine Termali Theia: ingresso mattina (4 ore)

    Be sure to get your tickets for one of this events now:

    Regalati quattro ore di puro relax alle Piscine Termali Theia

    Le Piscine Termali Theia promuovono il benessere per tutta la famiglia, per tutte le età e in tutte le stagioni.

    Rilassati in 900 metri quadrati di piscine interne ed esterne alimentate dalla sorgente termale Sillene, le cui proprietà benefiche e curative erano già note in epoca etrusca e romana.

    Con getti d'acqua, idromassaggi, bagno turco, docce emozionali, un rituale rasul e un centro relax e benessere, ti sentirai rigenerato.

    I bambini potranno divertirsi nell'area dedicata a loro con una grotta asciutta, una grotta umida, docce emozionali e due piscine a misura di bimbo.

    * Accesso per 4 ore alle Piscine Termali Theia
    * Armadietto elettronico personale

    Not included:
    * Accappatoio, asciugamano, cuffia e pantofole
    * Costume da bagno

    Theia Thermal Pools: Morning Entrance (4 hours)

    Treat yourself to four hours of pure relaxation at Theia Thermal Pools

    Theia Thermal Pools promotes wellness for the whole family – for all ages, in all seasons.

    Relax in 900 square meters of indoor and outdoor pools fed by the Sillene Thermal Spring, whose beneficial and healing properties were already known in Etruscan and Roman times.

    With water jets, whirlpools, Turkish bath, emotional showers, a rasul ritual, and a relaxation and wellness center – you'll come out feeling like a brand-new person.

    Kids can stay entertained in the children's area with a dry cave, wet cave, emotional showers and two pools just for them.

    * 4-hour admission to Theia Thermal Pools
    * Personal electronic locker

    Not included:
    * Bathrobe, towel, cap and slippers
    * Swimsuit

    Duration: 04:00 h

    Advance arrival time: 0:15:00 h

    Instant ticket delivery

    Smartphone ticket

    Wheelchair access

    Starting point: Piazza Guglielmo Marconi

    1 event: Piscine Termali Theia: ingresso mattina (4 ore)