Event series

SEA LIFE Benalmádena: Entrada

    Buy tickets for SEA LIFE Benalmádena: Entrada

    Be sure to get your tickets for one of this events now:

    Sumérgete un mundo subacuático surrealista y observa simpáticos animales marinos

    ¿A que nuca habías visto a un grupo de nutrias jugando con imanes? En SEA LIFE Benalmádena podrás disfrutar de esta adorable experiencia y de muchas otras: este acuario y centro de investigación tiene la mar de actividades con animales marinos.

    Camina a través de un túnel de cristal y contempla a las graciosas rayas y a los tiburones. Observa a las tranquilas tortugas marinas y a los astutos pulpos de las profundidades y descubre cómo este colorido y extraño mundo cobra vida ante tus ojos con las entradas para SEA LIFE Benalmádena.

    * Entradas para SEA LIFE Benalmádena
    * Educational talks and feeding sessions

    Not included:
    * Alimentación en la isla de Rayas (opcional por un coste adicional)
    * Marina Mini Golf 9 hoyos

    SEA LIFE Benalmádena: Entry Ticket

    Enter a surreal underwater world and see playful marine animals

    A day where you can watch otters playing with magnets is always a good day. SEA LIFE Benalmádena lets you enjoy this _otterly_ adorable experience. The aquarium and research center has an ocean's worth of marine wildlife encounters.

    Walk through a glass tunnel while graceful rays and sharks glide weightlessly past, observe sea turtles taking things slow and steady, while crafty octopuses scheme their escapes in the deep. See this colorful and strange world come to life before your very eyes.

    **NIGHT AT SEA**
    Dive into the depths of the ocean and immerse yourself in the most visually stunning bioluminescent experience in Spain! Discover Night at Sea and experience this spectacular oceanic phenomenon in a unique and interactive bio-beach! Only at Sea Life Benalmádena!

    * Admission to SEA LIFE Benalmádena
    * Educational talks and feeding sessions

    Not included:
    * Ray Island feeding (optional for an additional cost)
    * 9-hole mini golf

    Last admission window: 0:45:00 h

    Instant ticket delivery

    Smartphone ticket

    Wheelchair access

    Starting point: Av. del Puerto Deportivo, s/n

    1 event: SEA LIFE Benalmádena: Entrada